mendelian randomization造句
- In this regard, Mendelian randomization can be thought of as a natural randomized controlled trial.
- Mendelian randomization of alleles also provides opportunities to study the effects of alleles at random with respect to their associated environments and other genes.
- Because the polymorphism is the instrument, Mendelian randomization is dependent on genetic association studies having provided good candidate genes for response to risk exposure.
- Mendelian randomization is a method that allows one to test for, or in certain cases to estimate, a causal effect from observational data in the presence of confounding factors.
- Genetic correlations have been found to be common in non-human genetics and to be broadly similar to their respective phenotypic correlations, but also in human traits . attempts to use Mendelian randomization in causal inference, the understanding of the biological origins of complex traits, and the design of GWASes.
- On the role of C-reactive protein, a 2009 study employing Mendelian randomization, published in the " Journal of the American Medical Association " suggested that CRP does not play a causal role in cardiovascular disease; the results may argue against CRP's use as a marker of cardiovascular disease risk or for identifying subjects for statin therapy as in JUPITER, and more strongly argue against using CRP as a therapeutic target " per se ".
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